Issue 583 – Verse of the Week

February 23rd – March 1st, 2023


This is the message that you have heard from the beginning: that we should love one another.    1 John 3:11

Your Blueprint

Can you imagine a homebuilder today, looking at a stack of lumber and a cluster of bricks, saying he is going to build a house as he grabs a hammer and some nails to begin? Of course not. It is essential that plans be drawn up and a sequence of construction determined. In the same way, if one wants to build a successful business, he will have a strategic plan that outlines the goal, objectives, and strategies. Throughout God’s Word, He has told you, just as John does in today’s verse, that everything begins with loving one another. But He does not leave you there. All throughout Scripture, God has given you “tips” on how to read His blueprint for loving one another. His directives include comforting one another, living in peace with one another, honoring one another, forgiving one another, being patient with one another, and doing kindness for one another. Are you reading His blueprint for you today? You will build a stronger, safer life in Christ when you follow it! 

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